
Organic gag command toontown offline
Organic gag command toontown offline

organic gag command toontown offline

Cog brand is Bossbot, Lawbot, Cashbot, Sellbot. It goes from top to bottom and left to right. 6 is level 7 gags) ~trophyScore *number* (Building floors for stars) ~givePies *0-7* *-1-99* (Pie 6 is invalid, and -1 amount gives unlimited) ~track experience *gagTrack* *0-10500* ~track remove *gagTrack* ~track add *gagTrack* ~suit spawn *cogType* *isSkeleCog* *isV2* *isWaiter* ~suit building *1-4* (number = cog type) ~suit do *number* (number = difficulty) ~suit invasion *cog brand* *cog type* *isSkeleCog* *isV2* *isWaiter* ~suit invasionend *number* (requires any number after it to work) For Invasion calls: Best place to see the order of cogs is your sticker book. 0 = reset) ~unlocks (Teleport access, all emotes, all doodle phrases) ~maxMoney *40-250* ~money *0-12000* ~bank max *1000-12000* ~bank transfer *number* ~fishingRod *0-4* ~maxFishTank *20-99* ~ghost (transparent, uninteractable, walk through walls and doors) ~tickets *number* (racing tickets) ~inventory reset *gagTrack* (Leave gagTrack blank to lose all gags, if you type in numbers instead of names, 0-6 takes out the corresponding level for all gags) ~inventory restock *gagTrack* (Leave gagTrack blank to restock all, if you type in numbers instead of names, 0-6 gives you the corresponding level for all gags. ~dna save *save number* (save current look of your toon) ~dna restore *save number* (reloads the look of your toon back to how it was saved) ~name *name* ~badName (revokes your name back too ' ') ~unites *number* ~fires *1-255* ~sos *1-100* *SOS name* ('magic cat' and 'trap cat' are SOS options) ~gravity *number* (No message verification, just jump to see. ~maxToon *gag you don't want* (Leave gag spot blank to get all gags) ~shoes *0-3* *number* (number = texture) ~hat *0-56* *number* (number = texture) ~backpack *0-24* *number* (number = texture) ~glasses *0-21* *number* (number = texture) ~system *Message* (Global whisper message) ~accessLevel *moderation title* (Turns players into mods, admins, etc., useless for yourself) ~kick *username* (Says 'You can't kick yourself.', no matter the name) ~ban *username* (Says 'You can't ban yourself.', no matter the name) ~dna species *species* ~dna torso *0/1/2* ~dna legs *0/1/2* ~dna color *1-24* ~dna color 26 (Black, but only works for cats) ~dna color 0 (White, but only work for bears) ~dna head *species* ~dna headsize *0-4* (changes the characteristics of your head, not it's actual size) ~dna headcolor *color* ~dna armcolor *color* ~dna legcolor *color* ~dna toptex *0-149* ~dna toptexcolor *color* ~dna sleevetex *0-136* ~dna sleevetexcolor *color* ~dna bottex *0-58* ~dna bottexcolor *color* ~dna gloves *color* (Only color that works is 0, which is white) Texture colors range from 0 to 31. Using '~~'before a command sets it to be done to the targeted player/object.

organic gag command toontown offline

Using '~' before a command sets it to be done to yourself.

organic gag command toontown offline

#Organic gag command toontown offline Offline#

Toontown Infinite Offline Commands This the the complete list of ALL commands within the game currently.

Organic gag command toontown offline